Martine Whissel

Representative, Community Health Centres (CHC), Public Health and Primary Care and
Health Promotion Agencies
With a master’s degree in Health Administration from the Telfer School of Management
of the University of Ottawa, Martine Whissel is Executive Director of the Eastern Ottawa
Community Family Health Team (EOCFHT). After spending over 11 years in research,
Ms. Whissel also has experience in data analysis as well as a trained eye for quality
With a passion for team work and collaboration, Ms. Whissel has been active in
Francophone organizations providing healthcare and community services to the people
of Ottawa since 2015. Committed to improving access to a continuum of healthcare
services in French, she is a member of the Francophone advisory committee of the
Alliance for Healthier Communities, in addition to her involvement in the Réseau’s board
of directors. Ms. Whissel is also proud of her leadership role with the Eastern Ottawa
Community Family Health Team from 2019 to 2021,an experience that led her to
collaborate with over 30 partners from different healthcare and community and social
services sectors in the region.
Martine Whissel is inspired by a vision of collaborative work that enables community
members to receive exemplary care and services in the language of their choice and
facilitates transitions centered on people’s goals and needs.