AGM 2023
Photo credit: Zaynab Idrissi, Head of Communications
A Collective Success
On June 22, 2023, the Réseau des services de santé en français de l'Est de l'Ontario had the pleasure of holding its Annual General Meeting at the Pauline-Charron Center in Ottawa. Under the banner of "Renewed Connections, Strengthened Collaborations: Catalysts for the Advancement of French Health Services," this event was marked by the active participation and commitment of our members and partners.
Network Achievements
The AGM was an opportunity to highlight our many achievements during the 2022-2023 year. We unveiled our annual report in the form of a magazine entitled "The Reseau Annual" This document testifies to our hard work and continuous progress in improving French health services.
We also had the opportunity to share our first report to the "le Réseau à l'écoute " community. This report, a first for us, demonstrates our commitment to actively listening to our communities and emphasizes the importance of two-way communication. During the meeting, the Réseau was able to vote for new representatives on its board of directors.
Guest Speaker
We were pleased to welcome Fabien Hébert, the President of the Assemblée de la francophonie de l'Ontario (AFO), as the guest speaker. His enlightening speech paved the way for productive discussions on future perspectives for French health.
Recognition of Community Members' Contributions
The AGM was also an opportunity to honor exceptional members of our community by awarding them the title of Honorary Member posthumously: Mariette Carrier Fraser and Gisèle Lalonde.
In-Person Networking
The Network's Annual General Meeting was closed with a networking session. After three years of virtual meetings, reconnecting in person allowed for deeper discussions, strengthened bonds, and revitalized our collective collaboration.
Thank you for your participation!
Learn More:
- Download the press release.
- Browse the 2022-2023 annual report.
- Browse the "le Réseau à l'écoute" community report.
Access required meeting materials :
- Agenda of the Annual General Meeting
- Board of Directors Formation 2022-2023
- Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2022
- Financial Statements 2023-2024
- Administrative Bylaws of the Network
AGM 2022 :
Photo credit: Zaynab Idrissi, Head of Communications
The 2022 annual general meeting of the Réseau took place on June 23, 2022. It was presented under the theme "French-language health services: state of affairs". Nearly eighty people participated in this event.
The participants had the opportunity to hear from two distinguished guests: Matthew Anderson, President and CEO of Ontario Health, and Antoine Désilets, Executive Director of Société Santé en français. They were invited to share their perspectives on the transformation of the health system and French-language services.
The 2022 AGM was also an opportunity to unveil our very first annual report in the form of a magazine titled "Le Réseau Annuel", to communicate about the new formation of the board of directors chaired by Saint-Phard Désir, as well as to present the Réseau à l’écoute.
Thank you for your participation!
Learn more:
- Download the press release.
- Browse the 2021-2022 annual report.
- Download the AGM 2022 poster.
- Documents related to the meeting:
- Agenda Minutes of the 2021 AGM
- Financial statements 2021-2022
- Formation of the board of directors 2021-2022
- Administrative regulations of the Network
AGM 2021 :
The Réseau’s Annual General Meeting 2021 was held by videoconference, on September 16, 2021. This year’s theme was: «Perseverance, Adaptation and Resilience».
Our participants took part in our appreciation to volunteers and workers in the healthcare, long-term care, and social and community service sectors through a video.
The AGM 2021 was an opportunity to highlight our achievements of the 2020-2021 year, unveil our strategic plan resultats 16-21 and our next Strategic Plan 2021 - 2026

Photo credit: Zaynab Idrissi, Head of Communications
Learn more:
- Download news release: " Perseverance, Adaptation and Resilience "
- Browse the Annual Report 2020-2021: “French-Language Health Services in the Time of COVID-19: A Story of Perseverance, Adaptation and Resilience"
- Download AGM poster
Required meeting materials (some documents available in French only):
- Agenda
- Minutes from the AGM 2020
- Financial Statements 2020-2021
- Board of Directors 2021-2022
- Réseau Bylaws
AGM 2020:
The Réseau’s Annual General Meeting 2020 was held on September 24, 2020. This year’s theme was: “A New Chapter for French Language Health Services”. Nearly 100 people took part in this event held by videoconference.
On the eve of Franco-Ontarian Day, participants were invited to celebrate French language health services in Ontario’s Champlain and South East regions. The AGM was also an opportunity to highlight an eventful year. Thank you for attending!

Learn more:
- Download news release: "Une AGA pour marquer la transformation du système de santé… et la pandémie"
- Browse the Annual Report 2019-2020: “A New Chapter for French Language Health Services"
- View more photos (via Facebook)
- Download AGM poster
Required Meeting Materials:
- Agenda
- Minutes from the AGM 2019
- Financial Statements 2019-2020
- Board of Directors 2020-2021
- Réseau Bylaws
AGM 2019:
The Réseau’s Annual General Meeting 2019 was held on May 23, 2019, at Ottawa’s Centre Pauline-Charron. The AGM’s theme was “20 Years Later, As Relevant As Ever”. Nearly 100 people took part in this event. Thank you for attending!
Participants heard special guests Ms. Marilissa Gosselin, Senior Policy Advisor to Premier Doug Ford on Francophone Affairs, and Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, Medical Officer, Eastern Ontario Health Unit, who shared their perspective on French language services and the Ontario health transformation. The AGM 2019 also included a special 20th anniversary celebration with nine former Réseau Chairs and Executive Directors.

Learn more :
- Download news release: “20 ans : toujours aussi pertinent!”
- Browse the Annual Report 2018-2019: "20 Years Later, As Relevant As Ever"
- View more photos (via Facebook)
- Download AGM poster
Meeting materials – AGM 2019:
- Agenda
- Minutes from the AGM 2018
- Board of Directors 2019-2020
- Financial Statements 2018-2019
- Réseau Bylaws
AGM 2018:
The Réseau’s Annual General Meeting 2018 was held on May 24, 2018, at Ottawa’s Centre Pauline-Charron. The AGM’s theme was “Thought Leadership Taking Place”. Nearly 100 participants took part in this event. Thank you for attending!
The AGM was preceded by a consultation on Réseau membership (“Membership and thought leadership: what does it mean?”). The day ended with Ontario French Language Services Commissioner François Boileau’s keynote address: “Designation: Revitalizing the Provision of French Language Services”. In recognition of his commitment to French language health services, François Boileau was also made Honorary Member of the Réseau.

Learn more :
- Download the press release: "Un leadership éclairé qui prend forme : les initiatives de collecte et d'analyse de données du Réseau ont un impact provincial"
- Browse the Annual Report 2017-2018: "Thought Leadership Taking Shape"
- Download AGM poster
Required meeting materials:
AGM 2017:
The Réseau’s Annual General Meeting 2017 was held on May 25, 2017. The event was part of Putting People at the Heart of the Health Care Transformation: Informational Day on Access to French-Language Services, an event co-hosted by the Réseau and the Council on Aging of Ottawa.
150 people gathered at the Council on Aging of Ottawa to take part in this Informational Day, which included a series of conferences on access to French-language services, the AGM, as well a keynote address by Christine Elliott, Patient Ombudsman, and Marie-Claire Muamba, Senior Investigator.

Photo credit : Miguel Lalonde
Learn More:
- Download news release : « La personne au cœur du changement du système de santé : informer les francophones pour améliorer l’accès aux services en français »
- Browse Annual Report 2016-2017: "Working Together to Improve Access to French-Language Services"
- Download full program
- Read Christine Elliott's biographical notes
- Become a Réseau individual member
Required AGM 2017 materials:
Video recordings:
If you haven’t been able to attend this Informational Day, video recordings of the conferences and the Annual General Meeting are available below.
Keynote Address: Habiliter les patients en premier: Le rôle de l'Ombudsman des patients
Speakers : Christine Elliott, Patient Ombudsman, Marie-Claire Muamba, Senior Investigator
Download slides
Conference: La désignation et l’accès aux services en français : améliorer l’offre et la qualité des soins pour la communauté francophone
Speaker : Jacinthe Desaulniers, Chief Executive Officer, Réseau des services de santé en français de l’Est de l’Ontario
Download slides
Conference: Changements dans le système de santé
Speaker : Mariette Carrier-Fraser, Chair of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s French Language Health Services Advisory Council
Conference: Comment les centres de santé communautaires répondent-ils aux besoins des clients francophones?
Speaker : Simone Thibault, Executive Director, Centretown Community Health Centre
Download slides
Conference: Services aux aînés : gériatrie et géronto-psychiatrie à Ottawa et dans l’Est de l’Ontario
Speakers : Lyne Marcil, Geriatric Assessor, Geriatric Assessment Outreach Team, Regional Geriatric Program of Eastern Ontario and Jennifer Cavanagh, Clinic Manager and Occupational Therapist, Geriatric Psychiatry Community Services of Ottawa
Download slides
Conference: Les soins à domicile et les services en français
Speaker : Manon Desjardins-Nighbor, Elder Mediator, Champlain LHIN
Download slides
Réseau Annual General Meeting 2017
AGM 2016:
The Réseau’s 2016 Annual General Meeting was held on May 26, 2016, at the Ottawa Conference and event Centre. 104 people took part in the meeting.
The 2016 AGA was an opportunity to present this year’s results, as well as the Strategic Plan 2016-2021 and the Réseau’s new Board of Directors.
Minutes from the AGM of May 28, 2015
Board of Directors 2016-2017
Financial Statements
2015-2016 Annual Report

The business meeting and the panel were much appreciated by AGM participants. As part of an online survey, 89% of responders indicated that the AGM had met their expectations.
- 92% of responders indicated that their appreciation of the leaders’ report was either “high” or “very high”.
- 81% of responders indicated that their appreciation of the meeting’s proceedings was either “high” or “very high”.
In the second part of the meeting, the Réseau hosted a panel featuring 6 leaders in order to facilitate information sharing and dialogue about the health care system transformation and how it will affect services offered to Francophones. Read the press release.
- 95% of responders indicated that the panel’s format was interesting.
- 73% of responders indicated that their appreciation of the panel was either “high” or “very high”.
Special presentation: Chantale LeClerc, Chief Executive Officer, Champlain LHIN
Moderator: Marc Bisson, member of the Réseau Board of Directors and Executive Director of the Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie
Mariette Carrier-Fraser, member of the Réseau Board of Directors and Chair of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s French Language Health Services Advisory Council
Jacinthe Desaulniers, Executive Director, French Language Health Services Network of Eastern Ontario
Nicole Laplante, Director, Health Protection, Eastern Ontario Health Unit
Marc Sougavinski, Executive Director, Champlain Community Care Access Centre (CCAC)
Simone Thibault, Executive Director, Centretown Community Health Centre
AGM 2015:
The Réseau's 2015 Annual General Meeting was held on May 28th, at the Ottawa Conference and Event Centre. 90 members and partners took part in the AGM.
The Réseau welcomed keynote speaker Marie Fortier, Vice-Chair of Health Quality Ontario. Ms Fortier delivered an address entitled “Assurer l’excellence des soins des Ontariens et Ontariennes : QSSO, un joueur-clé” (“Providing excellent care for Ontarians: HQO, a key stakeholder”).
A podcast of the keynote address is available.
The Carrefour Santé 2016 was also presented to the AGM participants.

Keynote speaker Marie Fortier, Vice-Chair, HQO

2015 Annual General Meeting
Learn more:
News release: “Au cœur du système de santé : le Réseau bâtit pour l’avenir”
2014-2015 Annual Report
Convening notice
Minutes from the AGM of May 30, 2014
Board of Directors 2015-2016
Financial Statements 2014-2015
AGM 2014: the Réseau celebrates its 15th anniversary.
2013-2014 Annual Report
Minutes from the 2013 AGM
Amendments to Réseau bylaws
Board of Directors 2014-2015
Financial Statements 2013-2014
AGM 2013: More than 100 people took part in the discussion on The active offer of French-language services: a call for collective leadership.
2012-2013 Annual Report
Minutes from the 2012 AGM
Introduction to the panel discussion on active offer
Proposed amendments to the Réseau’s Bylaws
Proposed amendments to the Réseau’s letters patent
Board of Directors 2013-2014
Financial Statements 2013-2012
AGM 2012: The Strategic Plan 2011-2016 is presented.
News release
2011-2012 Annual Report
Minutes from the 2011 AGM
Board of Directors 2012-2013
Financial Statements 2011-2012
AGM 2011: Participants learn about seven French Health projects underway in Eastern Ontario.
2010-2011 Annual Report
Minutes from the 2010 AGM
Minutes from the 2010 Special General Meeting
Board of Directors 2011-2012
Financial Statements 2010-2011
Special General Meeting 2010: Members elect the Board of Directors
AGM 2010: The Réseau took an important step in its development at the Annual General Meeting held on May 20, 2010. The members ratified new Bylaws ensuring a greater community presence within the membership and Board of Directors of the Réseau.
These changes in our governance will afford the members of our community a greater role in planning and informed decision making within the health care field.
2009-2010 Annual Report (in French)